More of My Tasty Low Carb / Keto Friendly Meal Ideas

Contrary to popular belief, eating Keto / Low Carb does NOT have to be boring or flavorless. On this journey, comprised of mostly food that I prepare at home, it's my mission to showcase that you can hit those macros and still enjoy a clean and tasty meal!   Check out a few more of my Keto / Low Carb-friendly dishes that I've prepared this year:


Homemade Herb, Butter Basted with Lemon Drizzle Chicken Tenders, Asparagus


Uncured Bacon, Spinach Cheddar Eggs and Blackberries


Homemade Chicken Salad with Broccoli, Red Peppers, Mushrooms and Shredded Cheddar


Are you a proud home cook or meal-prepper? Tell us about it!



Unless you're grooving at Kanye's Sunday service somewhere, like me, you may have a few moments today to reflect on the week ahead. From fresh grocery shopping, to meal planning/prep, to packing the gym bag and making sure that I go to sleep at a respectable time... I've got a plan. And it's on me to make this work, to follow through and accomplish what I set out to do. Life happens, stress happens... but it's how you persevere despite. Let's go!

What are you doing to prepare for a SUCCESSFUL new week?


Cheers to the weekend! I know, before we blink it will be over... but I'm certainly enjoying it while I can. Today, I'm sharing a few more pics of a Full Day of Eating (#FDOE). It was all so delicious, fulfilling and close to my desired macro and micro nutrients on this Low Carb / Keto - inspired way of living. 


Homemade Fried Eggs with Pepper, Avocado and Grape Tomatoes


Takeout Garden Salad; Mixed Greens, Red Onions, Shredded Parmesan and Blue Cheese Dressing 


Homemade Pan-Seared Sirloin (Medium), Sauteed Asparagus and Mushrooms


Strawberries and Whipped Cream

What's on your meal plan this weekend?

#FDOE Full Day of Eating on Low Carb / Keto Diet | Day #6

It's DAY 6 of my Low Carb / Keto way of eating and I'm still hanging in there. Full transparency, I almost broke last night. Out of nowhere, I had the strongest urge for - get this - Chic Fil-A fries and a Krispy Kreme donut. Really?! I'm no stranger to patronizing more than one fast food joint to fulfill my cravings, but I just couldn't do it. So, instead of folding to those pesky late night cravings, I drank water and went to bed immediately after a very interesting Big Brother season finale.

Now that I've got nearly a week under my loosened belt of this, and I'm owning cravings like a BOSS... I thought it might be a good idea to share more of the meals I'm preparing or picking up that fall in line with my plan. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I do intermittent fasting (IF), 16 hours fasting /8 hours eating. As I get back into my blogger-groove, I'll definitely elaborate on my decision to join the masses on that as well.


Homemade Spinach, Red Pepper, Feta Frittata and Organic Uncured Pork Bacon


Jimmy John's Bootlegger's Club (Turkey, Roast Beef, Salami) with Avocado Spread and Mustard


Homemade Pan-cooked Organic Chicken Breast Strips on a Bed of Spinach with LC Italian Dressing


Greek Yogurt, Fresh Blueberries and Mixed Nuts
Starbuck's Tall Pike (Plain/Black)

Thanks for stopping by!

Hi, I'm (Kinda) Keto.

Homemade Spinach Feta Meatballs with Marinara Sauce and Sauteed Asparagus

I began cooking and eating Low Carb / Keto on Saturday, 9/21. As of today, 9/25 - I'm down 6.6lbs, from my starting weight of 250.8lbs.

Like many across this great land and specifically those with barbell club memberships, I'm giving the Low Carb / Keto lifestyle a try. I am addicted to all things processed carbohydrate (with a pre-diabetic diagnosis to show for it). Looking back at my historic MyFitnessPal tracked meals, there's no question that I've enjoyed a very carb and sugar-forward diet. And, I think it's time to switch it up a bit.

As I continue to experiment, learn and grow in my continued quest for better health and wellness, I hope to see and share how I might survive on a primarily high fat, veggie, protein, and moderate healthy carb intake regimen.The picture up top is one of the meals I recently prepared. I'll be sure to share much more on this new journey!

Dinner | Spinach and Feta Meatballs with Asparagus (Yum!)
Meal Macros: Fat: 52% | Protein: 34% | Carbs: 11% | Net Carbs: 11 g
This recipe was easy, quick, economical and had so much flavor! While the recipe called for breadcrumbs, I used minimal. Omitting them all together would have resulted in a hamburger-like texture, which I didn't want. I also subbed Ground Turkey with Ground Beef. 

Are you currently following a Low Carb or Keto lifestyle? If so, what have been your experiences so far? I'd love to know!